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    Sunday, May 25, 2008

    Feet Shield

    25 May 2008: Day-tripping in Akaroa with Annie.

    Happy Brown Commencement!

    image from: jackie

    Tuesday, May 13, 2008


    13 May 2008: Today I had my first outdoor climb - scaling the university library.

    Phillipe was there for moral support, and other members of the UC Climbing club were in fancy dress. Some in no dress at all...

    Afterwards, I ate a celebratory sausage with my strong, sausage sized fingers.

    Please check out the local news coverage video and pictures.

    image from: jackie

    Saturday, May 3, 2008


    3 May 2008: Last night was my first New Zealand hail storm.

    My first was as a kid in the hills of Los Angeles. My sisters and I ran outside to catch the frozen beads in our soup bowls. As I recall, it was less like hail and more like stinging rain. My second hail was at home again. This time I was a big kid - and danced in it - eyes closed, mouth open.

    Yesterday's hail smeared across the city streets right in the middle of my 10 km bike ride home. It was thrilling! I arrived home with numb fingers, but still floating on the rush.

    image from: jackie

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