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    Wednesday, February 13, 2008


    13 February 2008:

    Greetings from Whangamata, Coromandel, North Island, New Zealand. Or more precisely: Paradise.

    My first night in Whangamata I enjoyed the Nauti Girls angling competion, hence Nauti(al). I drank beer with sunburned kiwi women dressed as team lipstick, camouflage, or shark attack costumes and men in t-shirts reading "nauti bouy" and women's versions with "prawn star".

    I met a hilarious local out in a boat from 6.30 AM to 5.00 PM. She caught 2 fish in the first 2 hours, got sea-sick, slept, got up to smoke a cigarette, and slept some more.

    Such a wonderfully laid back, humorous, clean fun country. Come visit!

    Here the mountains grip the sea, forest reserves lead to isolated waterfalls, and the surf stretches across a sandy beach. [Hm, reminds me of Malibu in LA...nevermind!]

    I heart NZ!

    images from: jackie

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