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    Monday, June 2, 2008


    02 June 2008: Around Aoraki, it's easy to say the view really grew on me.

    Tall, Small, and I arrived in Lake Tekapo Saturday night. Out in the blackness the couple gestured to the lake they're going to pedal 90 kms around in Sunday's mountain bike race. Instead, that night I continued to Unwin Hut at Mount Cook Village.

    Sunday, I woke up in a cloud. I enjoyed rainy day walks around the Blue Lakes and Tasman Glacier with no one but me to enjoy. Single bliss accompanied by Paul Simon songs. The weather partly cleared on my return, and I wandered along the Kea Point and Sealy Tarns tracks with fabulous views of the ice and snow on Mount Sefton.

    Finally, by Monday it was all clear. All 3754 meters of Mount Cook's cloud piercing glory.

    images from: jackie

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