18 December 2008: My first thought on this sunny, birthday morning was: i'm 27 years old - this sucks.My next thought was: it's Thursday - my morning workout day. And I felt better.
I find my mood is more affected by my activity level, less by the weather. I've come to believe in the power of perspiration, not precipitation. So, I sweat. And I smile.
On Skype, I update mom and dad with my birthday goal:
- J: At 27 years old, I should have a 27 inch waist.
- M: You should be 127 pounds!
- J: What?! Mom, at the end of high school I was 148 pounds and in fine swimming shape...
- M: No, at 127 you'd be svelte.
- J: I'd be bones!
- D: Bones and svelte...
image from: espion
Jackie's Twitter Updates
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Brought to you by jackie at 12/18/2008 0 comments
Labels: beginnings, event, family, health, new zealand, recreation
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
17 December 2008: Team Albi strikes gold at the Canterbury Volleyball Association 4-man social beach games.
At our infancy, I offered a selection of team names:
- "flight of the volleyballs"
- "who likes to rock the party?"
- "brett, jermaine, murray, and mel"
- "you, me, you, and jermaine"
- "team albi"
But now, we are called the champions!
Brought to you by jackie at 12/17/2008 0 comments
Labels: event, new zealand, recreation
Friday, December 12, 2008
12 December 2008: Flat outing - La Cage Aux Folles.
Feathers, songbirds, and lots of panache.
image from: the court live theatre
Brought to you by jackie at 12/12/2008 0 comments
Labels: ambiguous, event, new zealand, recreation
Monday, December 8, 2008
08 December 2008: Feast of the Immaculate Conception at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Auckland.
Reminds me of the joke: I've been Catholic since I was conceived...
image from: robertevans_com
Brought to you by jackie at 12/08/2008 0 comments
Labels: event, new zealand, religion
Sunday, December 7, 2008
07 December 2008: I've been counting the numbers of bicycles I've seen in Auckland's city streets.
Fredette, my Auckland host, counts the numbers of people we see walking barefoot in the city.
She wins.
image from: sadie shooter
Brought to you by jackie at 12/07/2008 0 comments
Labels: new zealand, recreation
Saturday, December 6, 2008
06 December 2008: Alicia Keys concert in Auckland.
Soul - oh, duet - with her backup man, and trio - with me. What a musical feast!
image from: stuff
Brought to you by jackie at 12/06/2008 0 comments
Labels: event, new zealand, recreation
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Feet Tucker
04 December 2008: Sailing on the R. Tucker Thompson tall ship in the Bay of Islands.
image from: jackie
Brought to you by jackie at 12/04/2008 0 comments
Labels: boat shoes, new zealand, recreation
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
03 December 2008: My official tour guide at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds is informative, engaging, and concise. Tick, tick, tick.We arrive at the flagpole marking the site where the treaty was signed between Maori and the British Crown. Tick, Tick.
Our guide glosses over controversy related to the treaty. Tick.
I ask: What is it like here on Waitangi Day? Boom.
image from: jackie
Brought to you by jackie at 12/03/2008 0 comments
Labels: ambiguous, beginnings, new zealand