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    Thursday, December 18, 2008


    18 December 2008: My first thought on this sunny, birthday morning was: i'm 27 years old - this sucks.

    My next thought was: it's Thursday - my morning workout day. And I felt better.

    I find my mood is more affected by my activity level, less by the weather. I've come to believe in the power of perspiration, not precipitation. So, I sweat. And I smile.

    On Skype, I update mom and dad with my birthday goal:
    - J: At 27 years old, I should have a 27 inch waist.

    - M: You should be 127 pounds!

    - J: What?! Mom, at the end of high school I was 148 pounds and in fine swimming shape...

    - M: No, at 127 you'd be svelte.

    - J: I'd be bones!

    - D: Bones and svelte...

    image from: espion

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