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    Saturday, July 19, 2008


    19 July 2008: Here's the scene from a West Coast birthday bash in a backyard tent:

    Country blokes standing in a line, gripping their beer, and looking bored. Across from them, the drunken birthday girl drags defenseless family and friends onto the dance floor for a creative version of the can-can.

    In one corner, rests an entire lamb roast and carnage in pieces. In the adjacent corner, the massive lamb oven radiates beside a sizable pool teeming with ice and alcohol.

    And then - suddenly - a dancer leaves the dance floor to leap and swing around a tent pole. Inside twirling leg tucked, outside leg straight. A smooth revolution.

    The effect was like turning a switch. The country blokes are now gripping their beers, with smiles beaming...

    And to my complete amusement, then the entire drunken hoard gave it a go - drunken birthday girl, drunken environmental conservationists, drunken country mothers, and drunken overweight blokes. All trying to grab the main tent pole to swing over a table.

    The poor table didn't stand a chance. No one but the trained pole dancer could clear the table, let alone the floor!

    She did a encore quadruple swing over the crushed, 3-legged remains. I lost my voice laughing.

    Image from: jackie

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