18 December 2008: My first thought on this sunny, birthday morning was: i'm 27 years old - this sucks.My next thought was: it's Thursday - my morning workout day. And I felt better.
I find my mood is more affected by my activity level, less by the weather. I've come to believe in the power of perspiration, not precipitation. So, I sweat. And I smile.
On Skype, I update mom and dad with my birthday goal:
- J: At 27 years old, I should have a 27 inch waist.
- M: You should be 127 pounds!
- J: What?! Mom, at the end of high school I was 148 pounds and in fine swimming shape...
- M: No, at 127 you'd be svelte.
- J: I'd be bones!
- D: Bones and svelte...
image from: espion
Jackie's Twitter Updates
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Brought to you by jackie at 12/18/2008 0 comments
Labels: beginnings, event, family, health, new zealand, recreation
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
17 December 2008: Team Albi strikes gold at the Canterbury Volleyball Association 4-man social beach games.
At our infancy, I offered a selection of team names:
- "flight of the volleyballs"
- "who likes to rock the party?"
- "brett, jermaine, murray, and mel"
- "you, me, you, and jermaine"
- "team albi"
But now, we are called the champions!
Brought to you by jackie at 12/17/2008 0 comments
Labels: event, new zealand, recreation
Friday, December 12, 2008
12 December 2008: Flat outing - La Cage Aux Folles.
Feathers, songbirds, and lots of panache.
image from: the court live theatre
Brought to you by jackie at 12/12/2008 0 comments
Labels: ambiguous, event, new zealand, recreation
Monday, December 8, 2008
08 December 2008: Feast of the Immaculate Conception at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Auckland.
Reminds me of the joke: I've been Catholic since I was conceived...
image from: robertevans_com
Brought to you by jackie at 12/08/2008 0 comments
Labels: event, new zealand, religion
Sunday, December 7, 2008
07 December 2008: I've been counting the numbers of bicycles I've seen in Auckland's city streets.
Fredette, my Auckland host, counts the numbers of people we see walking barefoot in the city.
She wins.
image from: sadie shooter
Brought to you by jackie at 12/07/2008 0 comments
Labels: new zealand, recreation
Saturday, December 6, 2008
06 December 2008: Alicia Keys concert in Auckland.
Soul - oh, duet - with her backup man, and trio - with me. What a musical feast!
image from: stuff
Brought to you by jackie at 12/06/2008 0 comments
Labels: event, new zealand, recreation
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Feet Tucker
04 December 2008: Sailing on the R. Tucker Thompson tall ship in the Bay of Islands.
image from: jackie
Brought to you by jackie at 12/04/2008 0 comments
Labels: boat shoes, new zealand, recreation
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
03 December 2008: My official tour guide at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds is informative, engaging, and concise. Tick, tick, tick.We arrive at the flagpole marking the site where the treaty was signed between Maori and the British Crown. Tick, Tick.
Our guide glosses over controversy related to the treaty. Tick.
I ask: What is it like here on Waitangi Day? Boom.
image from: jackie
Brought to you by jackie at 12/03/2008 0 comments
Labels: ambiguous, beginnings, new zealand
Saturday, August 9, 2008
09 August 2008: Happy engagement Jen and John!

John _ _,
from Bradford, West Yorkshire proposed to
Jennifer _ _, from Los Angeles, CA
whilst on the top of the London Eye to which she happily accepted.
The couple have been living together in Guildford, Surrey and look forward to beginning to plan their wedding.
image from: jennifer
Brought to you by jackie at 8/09/2008 0 comments
Labels: beginnings, england, event, family
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Feet Traction
Brought to you by jackie at 8/02/2008 0 comments
Labels: boat shoes, new zealand, recreation
02 August 2008: I was told my mountain bike ride around Lake Clearwater was a true New Zealand outdoor pursuit adventure.Getting lost, bush bashing, bike bashing, extreme, and in-stream.
My rear gears broke and I was stuck huffing and puffing uphill or spinning my wheels downhill. We even attempted mountain biking through snow...
Needless to say, I had a blast!
Image from: jackie
Brought to you by jackie at 8/02/2008 0 comments
Labels: new zealand, recreation
Thursday, July 24, 2008
24 August 2008: Last week, Christchurch welcomed the 6th most powerful woman in the world of 2004, US Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.
This week, the Auckland University Students Association is offering a $5000 reward for a citizen's arrest of the 1st most powerful woman in the world of 2004, US National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice.
Brought to you by jackie at 7/24/2008 0 comments
Labels: event, new zealand
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
19 July 2008: Here's the scene from a West Coast birthday bash in a backyard tent:Country blokes standing in a line, gripping their beer, and looking bored. Across from them, the drunken birthday girl drags defenseless family and friends onto the dance floor for a creative version of the can-can.
In one corner, rests an entire lamb roast and carnage in pieces. In the adjacent corner, the massive lamb oven radiates beside a sizable pool teeming with ice and alcohol.
And then - suddenly - a dancer leaves the dance floor to leap and swing around a tent pole. Inside twirling leg tucked, outside leg straight. A smooth revolution.
The effect was like turning a switch. The country blokes are now gripping their beers, with smiles beaming...
And to my complete amusement, then the entire drunken hoard gave it a go - drunken birthday girl, drunken environmental conservationists, drunken country mothers, and drunken overweight blokes. All trying to grab the main tent pole to swing over a table.
The poor table didn't stand a chance. No one but the trained pole dancer could clear the table, let alone the floor!
She did a encore quadruple swing over the crushed, 3-legged remains. I lost my voice laughing.
Image from: jackie
Brought to you by jackie at 7/19/2008 0 comments
Labels: event, new zealand
Friday, July 18, 2008
18 August 2008: Today I had a chat with former Supreme Court Justice, Sandra Day O'Connor. Here's a press statement: O'Connor is in Christchurch as an Eric Hotung Fellow after retiring from the Supreme Court in 2005. Hotung donated $HK1 million ($NZ185,000) to Canterbury University in 2005 to bring lawyers of international standing to the city and enhance the profile of the school.
She's been giving a series of law seminars: Rule of law around the world, Reflections from the US Supreme Court, and Guantanamo Bay: Legal black hole?
After today's talk, I introduced myself as a fellow American, shook her hand, and welcomed her to New Zealand. She was pleasantly surprised and asked what everyone else asks me: Why are you here?!
I told her it's the same reason she was brought here: funding.
Image from: the press
Brought to you by jackie at 7/18/2008 0 comments
Labels: email, event, new zealand
Thursday, July 10, 2008
10 July 2008: Krissy (high school classmate and volleyball teammate) has been diagnosed with Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS).MDS is a primary bone marrow condition, where her bone marrow does not produce normal blood cells. The condition is otherwise known as "preleukemia".
Typically diagnosed in 60+ year old men, Krissy is a vibrant 25 year old woman. Her treatment requires a bone marrow transplant. Complicated still by needing to find a tissue match given her mixed Asian and Caucasian heritage.
Attached, please find her letter to high school classmates and an article in the newspaper. She is calling for people to register with the National Bone Marrow Transplant Registry.
I am going to register, if I can from overseas. Details of the registration, commitment, and donation procedure can be found here.
Much love and good health.
image from: krissy
Brought to you by jackie at 7/10/2008 0 comments
Labels: email, health, los angeles
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
06 July 2008: World Youth Day rally at Christ the King Parish welcomes the pilgrims from New Caledonia.Sr. Deborah of the Beatitudes addresses the pilgrims (in French) and - as usual - I cry (in Spanish). The woman truly knows the meaning of beauty and praise.
Other highlights included the New Caledonians joining hands around the New Zealand residents and singing the Our Father.
And after more prayers and songs, we're left to socialize. I break the ice by examining cultural differences. Do the New Caledonians, like the French, utilize a fourth item in rock-paper-scissors, namely, the well?
After a good amount of translation and laughing. I introduce the pilgrims to bear-ninja-cowboy. Priceless.
image from: not much about something
Brought to you by jackie at 7/06/2008 0 comments
Labels: new zealand, recreation, religion
Saturday, July 5, 2008
05 July 2008: Happy Birthday Small!
I plowed my 4wd through the snow and up the hills to join in the celebrations. The wind was howling - and so was I - with crippling back pain.
Sadly, I will have to hang up the bicycle this week.
image from: geoftheref
Brought to you by jackie at 7/05/2008 0 comments
Labels: event, health, new zealand, recreation
Friday, July 4, 2008
04 July 2008: An invitation for an American/New Zealand crossover celebration at Kolbe House:Join us at Kolbe House after mass for a lunch party to celebrate the 4th of July (it's an American thing) and also the 5th anniversary of Fr John's ordination (it's a Catholic thing). There will be plenty of hot dogs, apple pie and some beer.
Dr Peter Field (UC History Dept) will give a short talk on John Adams, 2nd president of the United States and hero of the American Revolution. There will also be a presentation in honour of Fr John Adams.
Upon leaving, I ask Ken for a high five goodbye. I lean in. He laughs, puts up his hand and smashes forward - missing my face by a few inches. We try again, this time connecting far from square.
- Never do that with a blind man.
- We'll practice, Ken.
image from: sullivan-county
Brought to you by jackie at 7/04/2008 0 comments
Labels: event, new zealand, religion
Thursday, July 3, 2008
03 July 2008: Happy Birthday baby Oscar!
Congratulations Mama Stephanie and Papa Frank!
image from: Frank
Brought to you by jackie at 7/03/2008 0 comments
Labels: beginnings, england, event, health
Monday, June 30, 2008
Feet Board
Brought to you by jackie at 6/30/2008 0 comments
Labels: boat shoes, new zealand, recreation
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
25 June 2008: First practice of the World Youth Day Cathedral choir.We're singing for the pilgrims en route to Sydney. I decided not to go to the event, but if I sing to the pilgrims, they'll leave New Zealand for sure...
Our choir director, Ken, reads the sheet music in Braille. Quite fascinating.
image from: wikipedia
Brought to you by jackie at 6/25/2008 0 comments
Labels: new zealand, recreation, religion
Sunday, June 8, 2008
08 June 2008: Snow in Christchurch sent me running to the shores and hills.Yesterday's weather report predicted dreadful weather, but dreamy surf. Who would be crazy enough to brave the weather in order to enjoy quality waves at Sumner Beach?
As it turns out, Boudewijn and I were the only ones that crazy. We had a quick look, then warm drinks.
Heading from the rain soaked shore returning inland, snow started to fall and stick. Even the university had a good powdering. The streets started to look like the New England winter I missed after crossing the equator.
Today, Tall and I hauled ourselves up Mount Richardson. I enjoyed the wonderful sound of snow crunching all the way up 1049 meters.
image from: jackie
Brought to you by jackie at 6/08/2008 0 comments
Labels: new zealand, tramping
Thursday, June 5, 2008
05 June 2008: My bicycle ride home now faces the challenges of winter weather.
My advice is: Do not listen to Flight of the Conchords in the cold.
I was smiling so much my lips froze to my gums.
image from: luzer
Brought to you by jackie at 6/05/2008 0 comments
Labels: new zealand, recreation
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
04 June 2008: Last tutoring session of the semester.
Sweet as.
image from: math threads
Brought to you by jackie at 6/04/2008 0 comments
Labels: academic, new zealand
Monday, June 2, 2008
02 June 2008: I also got the joke of the weekend award.Monday morning, Small notes she's surprised she can eat the same breakfast every day and not get tired of it.
I reply: It's called monogamy.
Then I had to quickly exit kitchen stage left because Tall and Small started to coo at each other...
image from: babi_santander
Brought to you by jackie at 6/02/2008 0 comments
Labels: new zealand, recreation
02 June 2008: Around Aoraki, it's easy to say the view really grew on me.Tall, Small, and I arrived in Lake Tekapo Saturday night. Out in the blackness the couple gestured to the lake they're going to pedal 90 kms around in Sunday's mountain bike race. Instead, that night I continued to Unwin Hut at Mount Cook Village.
Sunday, I woke up in a cloud. I enjoyed rainy day walks around the Blue Lakes and Tasman Glacier with no one but me to enjoy. Single bliss accompanied by Paul Simon songs. The weather partly cleared on my return, and I wandered along the Kea Point and Sealy Tarns tracks with fabulous views of the ice and snow on Mount Sefton.Finally, by Monday it was all clear. All 3754 meters of Mount Cook's cloud piercing glory.
images from: jackie
Brought to you by jackie at 6/02/2008 0 comments
Labels: new zealand, tramping
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
13 May 2008: Today I had my first outdoor climb - scaling the university library.
Phillipe was there for moral support, and other members of the UC Climbing club were in fancy dress. Some in no dress at all...
Afterwards, I ate a celebratory sausage with my strong, sausage sized fingers.
Please check out the local news coverage video and pictures.
image from: jackie
Brought to you by jackie at 5/13/2008 0 comments
Labels: event, new zealand, recreation
Saturday, May 3, 2008
3 May 2008: Last night was my first New Zealand hail storm.My first was as a kid in the hills of Los Angeles. My sisters and I ran outside to catch the frozen beads in our soup bowls. As I recall, it was less like hail and more like stinging rain. My second hail was at home again. This time I was a big kid - and danced in it - eyes closed, mouth open.
Yesterday's hail smeared across the city streets right in the middle of my 10 km bike ride home. It was thrilling! I arrived home with numb fingers, but still floating on the rush.
image from: jackie
Brought to you by jackie at 5/03/2008 0 comments
Labels: beginnings, new zealand
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
13 February 2008:
Greetings from Whangamata, Coromandel, North Island, New Zealand. Or more precisely: Paradise.My first night in Whangamata I enjoyed the Nauti Girls angling competion, hence Nauti(al). I drank beer with sunburned kiwi women dressed as team lipstick, camouflage, or shark attack costumes and men in t-shirts reading "nauti bouy" and women's versions with "prawn star".
I met a hilarious local out in a boat from 6.30 AM to 5.00 PM. She caught 2 fish in the first 2 hours, got sea-sick, slept, got up to smoke a cigarette, and slept some more.Such a wonderfully laid back, humorous, clean fun country. Come visit!
Here the mountains grip the sea, forest reserves lead to isolated waterfalls, and the surf stretches across a sandy beach. [Hm, reminds me of Malibu in LA...nevermind!]
I heart NZ!
images from: jackie
Brought to you by jackie at 2/13/2008 0 comments
Labels: email, event, new zealand