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    Thursday, September 27, 2007


    27 September 2007: There are so many temples to see in this burning heat.

    Highlight of the day was Ta Prohm (a la Tomb Raider fame). The jungle is slowly gnawing it's way through the complex. Many collapsed walls and ceilings have blocked passageways, making this large temple seem much smaller - yet more like an adventure.

    I got to the famous postcard image tree and surprisingly few people were there.

    Next highlight of the day was the funniest and best English speaking Khmer girl in all of Cambodia. I met her when a massive downpour outside Banteay Kdei sent children, cows, and me seeking shelter in a small gateway. She wouldn't stop trying to sell me souvenirs in her Jamaican sounding accent - pure entertainment:

    - What you want?
    - Silence.
    - Okay, I give you one minute peace and quiet to tink ova my t-shirt offer.

    Images from: jackie

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